Friday, March 25, 2016

Some Miscellaneous Pictures

1) Kyleigh and I went to the Lego Store today, because they were having an Easter Egg Hunt.  She found all of the eggs and got a page of stickers.  She also had a chance to build an upside down tower where you started with four blocks on the bottom and then added an incremental number of blocks each time. Kyleigh tied the highest number of blocks added (13 levels) at the time we were there.  Her tower falls when she adds the blue blocks.
2) Janice posted this picture of her cat (Bobby) on Facebook saying that even though he had his own cat tree to play in, he preferred Kyleigh's Princess Tent.

3) Another picture that was taken from Facebook, this time from our church's page.  On Palm Sunday, the kids made cross pictures and here they are displaying their handiwork.

4) Earlier this month, Kyleigh went to a Kids Night Out at the church and had a really good time.  They played games, did some reading, ate snacks, watched a movie and went to bed in their sleeping bags.

5) Also earlier this month, the school celebrated Special Friends Day.  Kyleigh took her other grandma, but they published a picture of the second graders singing during chapel.

6)) Finally, I rarely post pictures of myself, but Kyleigh took this picture of me while we were waiting the Brinks to finish servicing the ATM and it's a pretty good one even if I'm not smiling.

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