Well, I didn't quite get all my catch up posts done on Christmas Eve, but hopefully I'll finish them today.
We have a tradition that we drive around looking at Christmas lights one night in mid-December. Janice looks up "major light displays" on her phone and we drive to them and others we spot on our drive. One of the first and best ones that we saw had the entire yard decorated with various displays of train layouts including one of Disney memorabilia.
There was also a Santa Claus who posed with us. (David decided to stay in the car!)
Another tradition we have is "stuffing the bus". Channel 7 (ABC) sponsors a Stuff the Bus event at the Honda Center for the Spark of Love toy drive every year on the same day as Kyleigh's last school day before Christmas. She typically gets off at noon that day (this year it was at 10:00) so I pick her up and we go to Target to pick up a couple of unwrapped toys and then take them to the buses. Kyleigh got to take her toys onto the bus herself.
They also have fire trucks, police cars, Santa, Mrs. Santa, free frozen yogurt and Kyleigh's favorite, a video game bus.
This year, Kyleigh's Aunt Amber worked at the Cavalia Odessyeo horse show and took her mother, stepfather and Kyleigh to the show. This is Kyleigh with her Noni and Noni's husband, Robert.

And Kyleigh with her aunt, Amber and Amber's friend, Francisco.
Kyleigh spent a couple of days with us the week before Christmas while Mommy and Devin were at work. One afternoon, she and David made a gingerbread train from a kit from Michael's. Instead of using icing to hold the pieces together, they used hot glue.
Finally, our church has three services on Christmas Eve. We went to the earliest service which has a children's message. At the end of each service, we light candles for the singing of Silent Night. This is the first year Kyleigh was given a candle and she was really excited about it. I'm not sure which service this picture is from though.