Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Happy Dance - Little Miss Cross Stitch (Redo)


Started: 2/15/2025

Finished: 2/18/2025

Total Time: 9 hours and 43 minutes

This is the first Stitch-It Bundle of 2025 from Amanda Dion of Creatively Crafting.  Yes, I stitched it a second time.  I decided I'd prefer to do this set of charts on Aida instead of evenweave, because I wasn't happy with this finish.

It's stitched as charted on Vintage Country Mocha 14-count Aida with the called for DMC except that the floss skein was supposed to be stitched in bright yellow (not one of my favorite colors).  

Once, all 12 squares have been completed, they will be made into a quilt.

Next up:Little Mr

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Happy Dance - Mer-Cupid


Started: 2/11/2025

Finished: 2/15/2025

Total Time: 10 hours and 8 minutes

Mer-Cupid is the February Mini Freebie from Creatively Crafting (Amanda Dion) and is part of the Mer-Things SAL.

I'm doing all 12 charts on one piece of 14-count Silver Moon Aida.  Mer-Cupid is stitched with the called for DMC, but there are several unintentional modifications and I cleaned up some of the back stitch since I don't like splitting squares when it doesn't really add to the design.

This one's for me and I hope to eventually hang it in my bathroom.

 Next up: A redo of Little Miss Cross Stitch - on Aida this time (Creatively Crafting)

Saturday, February 15, 2025

GIfted Gorgeousness - February, 2025

It's time to post about any items we've received as a gift and/or items that we're making as a gift for someone else.  To learn more about this SAL and see what others have posted, go to Jo's Blog.

I rarely receive stitchy type gifts, but most of my stitching is given to others, the main recipient being the Ronald McDonald House in Orange, CA.  I have four pieces that qualify this month.  The first three will be going to the Ronald McDonald House this coming Christmas.

Christmas Cactus - Mill Hill

Santa Cruise - Mill Hill

Snowman Sweater - Cross Stitcher Magazine #377 - Emma Congdon

The fourth is a quilt square that will be added to others throughout the year and then be made into a quilt.  Not sure where it will be going yet though.


Starfish - Creatively Crafting (Amanda Dion)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Happy Dance - Mer-Maid


Started: 2/8/2025

Finished: 2/11/2025

Total Time: 8 hours and 55 minutes

Mer-Maid is the January Mini Freebie from Creatively Crafting (Amanda Dion) and is part of the Mer-Things SAL.

I'm doing all 12 charts on one piece of 14-count Silver Moon Aida.  I left off the bubbles with the year in them, but otherwise it's stitched as charted with the called for DMC.

This one's for me and I hope to eventually hang it in my bathroom.

 Next up: Mer-Cupid (Creatively Crafting)

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fully Finished Gallery - February, 2025

The Fully Finished Gallery SAL was created by Rachel at Ten Hour Stitcher to encourage us to fully finish our projects instead of just storing them in a drawer or box rarely to be seen again.  Click on the link to see more details and what other stitchers have posted.  

I had four fully finished objects this month. The first two were ugly sweaters stitched in January.  I added a hanger and backed them with felt.

The other two were the Mill Hill ornaments from my WIPGO board for February.  I made hangers from the leftover beads and backed them with felt.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

WIPGO - February, 2025

I have joined WIPGO for the first time this year.  If you're not familiar with WIPGO, it's a Bingo Board with 25 squares, #13 can be the free square.  You fill each square with something you want to work on and the owner of the group calls two numbers each month. 

My board has 25 Mill Hill Christmas ornaments.  All are new starts and the goal for each is to fully finish as an ornament.  

The numbers for February were #7 and #8.  Number 7 is Christmas Cactus 


and number 8 is Santa Cruise


Happy Dance - Santa Cruise


Started: 2/4/2025

Finished: 2/7/2025

Total Time: 12 hours and 32 minutes

Santa Cruise is part of the Mill Hill Winter Holiday Collection.

It's stitched as charted using the materials provided and will be made into a Christmas ornament for  Ronald McDonald House in Orange, CA

 Next up: Mermaid (Creatively Crafting)