Saturday, February 15, 2025

GIfted Gorgeousness - February, 2025

It's time to post about any items we've received as a gift and/or items that we're making as a gift for someone else.  To learn more about this SAL and see what others have posted, go to Jo's Blog.

I rarely receive stitchy type gifts, but most of my stitching is given to others, the main recipient being the Ronald McDonald House in Orange, CA.  I have four pieces that qualify this month.  The first three will be going to the Ronald McDonald House this coming Christmas.

Christmas Cactus - Mill Hill

Santa Cruise - Mill Hill

Snowman Sweater - Cross Stitcher Magazine #377 - Emma Congdon

The fourth is a quilt square that will be added to others throughout the year and then be made into a quilt.  Not sure where it will be going yet though.


Starfish - Creatively Crafting (Amanda Dion)


butterfly said...

Love the ornaments, so cute .
Have a great Sunday , hugs June,

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

A good destination to gift your stitching Cathy. It's nice to have an end purpose/ gifting reason for your stitching

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love the Christmas Cactus! I’m sure all of these will be gratefully received. It’s lovely to have somewhere to send your finished pieces.

Astrids dragon said...

That cactus is too sweet!