My goals for my large projects in July were to finish ~1,000 stitches on each of the following:
Big Trees
As of 7/1/2018 |
As of 7/7/2018 |
Santa Quintet
As of 7/8/2018 |
As of 7/16/2018 |
2018 Anniversary SAL Flower (new start)
Tinkerbell Spring Blossoms - I stalled on this one and only added about five stitches. So, needless to say I didn't meet my goal.
Advent Animal #11 - I never got to this one so it will be added to my list for August.
My goals for my smaller projects are to finish:
Summer Holidays Mouse - carried over from June
As of 7/1/2018 |
Finished on 7/4/2018 |
Fabulous Banana
Finished on 7/13/2018 |
Broken Heart - a square for the Rainbows for Peace and Comfort Facebook Group
Finished on 7/18/2018 |
Dragon Doing Karaoke - a square for Kyleigh's quilt
Finished on 7/24/2018 |
Angel with Dove - my May Christmas ornament; carried over from June, but not yet started
Finished on 7/31/2018 |
This means I finished all of my small project goals and all but two of my large project goals. I stitched everyday in July, although some days it was only on one project. I have now completed 28 projects in 2018, including the five this month.
My large project goals for August are:
Big Trees - finish ~1000 stitches
Santa Quintet - finish ~600 stitches and backstitching in black and brown
2018 Anniversary Flower for Q4OC - finish
Advent Animals - finish #11 (carried over from July)
Tinkerbell - finish bottom left quarter including backstitching
and if there's time start Ariel.
My small project goals for August are to start and finish the following:
Blackwork Sunflower
Coffee Is Always a Good Idea for WOCS
Home of the Free Because of the Brave for WOCS
Wise Man and Camel Christmas Ornament for the Christmas Ornie SAL (June)
Witchy Jack for WOCS
and if there's time start the Furry Tales USA Mouse