January is typically my best stitching month, but this year, February was even better. I
worked on 13 projects and finished 11 of them. Since I've joined a
group where you stitch exclusively on WIPs in odd numbered months and
exclusively on new starts in even numbered months, all of my projects
this month were new starts. I also stitched at least 30 minutes everyday. My projects for the month were:
Winnie the Pooh - Quick & Easy Cross Stitch (Issue Unknown)
Symbols Bookmark - World of Cross Stitching #328
Chocolate Bunny - F'lli Graziano Freebie
Variegated Heart - No Info Available
Sugar Plum Fairies #1, 2 and 4 - Cross Stitch Crazy #222
Reindeer Kitten - Design Works Kit
Wise Man #3 - Durene Jones
Santa's Hat & Boots - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue #2018
Deer in the Forest - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue #2020
Loaded Truck - Cross Stitcher Magazine #391
Minnie & Mickey in the Garden - Leisure Arts
March Plans
March is for WIPs only and while my plans keep changing, I currently have three projects scheduled for March, two of them the WIPs from February and one other very old WIP.
Loaded Truck - Cross Stitcher Magazine #391
Minnie & Mickey in the Garden - Leisure Arts
Blow Bubbles - Dimensions Kit
Days Stitched This Month = 28
Days Stitched This Year = 58 (possible = 59)
Total Hours Stitched This Month = 88 hours and 21 minutes
Total Hours Stitched This Year = 174 hours and 31 minutes
Number of Projects Worked on This
Month = 13
Number of Unique Projects Worked on This Year = 23
Number of Projects Started This
Month = 13
Number of Projects Started This Year
= 13
Number of WIPs Worked on This Month = 0
Number of WIPs Worked on This Year = 0
Number of Projects Finished This Month = 11
Number of Projects Finished This
Year = 21