Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Happy Dance - Snowman Sweater


Started: 1/12/2025

Finished: 1/20/2025

Total Time: 7 hours and 5 minutes

This is another part of an Emma Congdon design of nine ugly sweaters and can be found in  Cross Stitcher Magazine #377.

It's stitched as charted with the called for DMC floss on white 14-count plastic canvas. I did change the carrot from 783 to 721 since carrots should be orange and not gold.

It's now an ornament that will be given to the local Ronald McDonald House this coming Christmas.

Next up: Little Miss Cross Stitch


butterfly said...

Love this bright Jumper ornament .

Clare-Aimetu said...

That's a great Christmas jumper

Astrids dragon said...

Another sweet finish, I love it in pink!