I was kind of in a stitching slump this week. I only stitched five of the seven days and only on one project instead of my usual two.
Dream Big is now a blank piece of Aida. I was very close to running out of two colors of floss and could not find a conversion for Artiste floss anywhere so I compared the floss to my DMC Color Chart and decided you'd be able to tell the difference. Since this is for a quilt for WOCS, I decided just to start over. I've pulled the floss and cut a new square of Aida, but that's as far as I've gotten.
The days I did stitch were spent on my Maynia starts. I didn't stitch Friday or Saturday nights because I wasn't home, but I'll still be able to start all 25 animals, although I may have to double up one day.
Day 9 - Gigi Giraffe |
Day 10 - Hamilton Horse |
Day 13 - Remy Rabbit |
Day 14 - Larry Lion |
Day 15 - Odette Owl |
Advent Animals 1-20 |
I'm having trouble putting this down each night so I'll be adding it to my rotation as soon as feasible. At least all the boring repetitive stuff will be done.
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