January is typically my best stitching month of the year and this January is no exception. I
worked on and finished ten projects this month. Since I've joined a group where you stitch exclusively on WIPs in odd numbered months and exclusively on new starts in even numbered months, all of my projects this month were WIPs.
I also stitched everyday except January 1st since we were on our way home from my Father-in-law's memorial service that day.
Christmas Tree Snow Globe - Durene Jones
Gingerbread House Snow Globe - Durene Jones
Jolly Jumper - Cross Stitcher Magazine #323
Lights Kitten - Design Works Kit (Christmas Kittens)
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Snow Globe - Durene Jones
Ornament Kitten - Design Works Kit (Christmas Kittens) |
Present Kitten - Design Works Kit (Christmas Kittens) |
Witzy with Bauble - Quick & Easy (Issue Unknown)
Wreath Kitten - Design Works Kit (Christmas Kittens) |
Sugar Plum Fairy #6 - Cross Stitch Crazy #222
February Plans
February is for New Starts only and while my plans keep changing (mostly the order of the projects, not the projects themselves) here is my list for February.
Winnie the Pooh Ornament - Quick & Easy Cross Stitch (Issue unknown)
Symbols Bookmark - World of Cross Stitching #328
Chocolate Bunny - F.lli Graziano Freebie
Variegated Heart - Unknown Designer
Wise Man #3 - Enjoy Cross Stitch at Christmas 2021 (Durene Jones)
Santa's Hat & Boots - JCS #2018 (Keslyns)
Minnie & Mickey Gardening - Leisure Arts (The Gang's All Here)
Sugar Plum Fairy - Cross Stitch Crazy #222
Reindeer Kitten - Design
Works (Christmas Kittens)
Days Stitched This Month = 30
Days Stitched This Year = 30 (possible = 31)
Total Hours Stitched This Month = 86 hours and 10 minutes
Total Hours Stitched This Year = 86 hours and 10 minutes
Number of Projects Worked on This
Month = 10
Number of Unique Projects Worked on This Year = 10
Number of Projects Started This
Month = 0
Number of Projects Started This Year
= 0
Number of WIPs Worked on This Month = 10
Number of WIPs Worked on This Year = 10
Number of Projects Finished This Month = 10
Number of Projects Finished This
Year = 10