Monday, January 22, 2024

Weekly Update - 1/21/2024

I played Bunco Tuesday night and won the prize for Most Wins.   I also had a visit to the Nurse's Clinic for blood pressure and wounds check on Friday.  The good news is that my blood pressure is good and the wounds are healed.  Also, my legs are almost back to their normal size -- I can wear jeans again!

Also on Friday, my husband made chicken noodle soup for lunch using some old chicken I'd taken out of the freezer to throw away the day before.  It didn't affect him at all, but I had it coming out of both ends. Needless to say there was no stitching done that night (the first only day I haven't stitched this year.) Saturday it rained and I still wasn't feeling great so I didn't make it to church that evening.

As for stitching,  I continued working on  PJ Critters - Lion and I should have a finish next week.  Another thing I didn't like about the chart is the backstitching--it's got the kind that splits stitches on Aida.

As of January 14th

As of January 21st


Katie said...

Oh no sorry to hear about your eating disaster. Great to hear the good doctor news. The WIP is so cute. I normally fudge the backstitching to just do what I think looks right haha.

Astrids dragon said...

It sounds like you had a good week, wins all around!
Except for Friday - but how sweet of your husband to make soup, but sorry to hear it didn't agree with you.
Backstitching can be a pain, but it's looking good.