Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Dance - Stocking

Started 11/22/2018
Finished: 11/23/2018

This is a Maker's Holiday Craft made for the Jo-Ann Stores.   We have a new Jo-Ann's nearby and Janice, Kyleigh and I went to check it out during the grand opening.   Janice saw this and asked me to make it for her for Christmas.  Since it was deeply discounted, I said "yes" and bought ones for Devin and Kyleigh, too.  (Kyleigh started the one for her, but has since moved on to Diamond Painting so I plan to finish it for her.)  

It's stitched on the wood cut-out with the floss provided.  I used two strands, but it called for three.  Also, there was no color key so I had to go by the colored picture.   I'm still not sure I chose the right colors, but it does look like the picture.

1 comment:

Faith... said...

Cute. I have not seen these at Joann's. I will have to check them out.