Thursday, February 1, 2024

Recap - January, 2024

January is typically a good stitching month and this January was no exception.  I worked on five projects, one of which only got a few stitches before it was deemed destined for a new start on a different fabric (it's not shown here).  Since I've joined a group where you stitch exclusively on WIPs in odd numbered months and exclusively on new starts in even numbered months, all of my projects this month were WIPs.

I also stitched every day except January 19th--I had food poisoning from some bad chicken for lunch and was in no condition to stitch. 

First, I finished PJ Critters Lion which was a December, 2023 start. 

Next I worked on Deer Scene, a Dimensions Kit.  My goal was to finish the bottom half, which I did on the 28th.

 Finally, I worked on two Christmas Stockings that were started during Christmasitis 2020.  They were in an old issue of Cross Stitch Crazy.  The first is a finish; the second only needs a the bottom motif.

February Plans 

February is for New Starts and while my plans keep changing (mostly the order of the projects, not the projects themselves) here is my list for February.  It's probably more than I can accomplish in 29 days, but whatever I don't get to can be carried over.

File This! - Calico Crossroads
Daisy Birdhouse - MCG Textiles
Snowman Mug - Janlynn Kit
Piglet in a Square - Disney Home
Mrs. Santa Bear - Design Works
Bumble - Dimensions Kit
Loving Kittens - Needle Treasures


Days Stitched This Month = 30 
Days Stitched This Year  = 30 (possible = 31)
Total Hours Stitched This Month = 62 hours and 22 minutes
Total Hours Stitched This Year = 62 hours and 22 minutes
Number of Projects Worked on This Month = 5
Number of Unique Projects Worked on This Year = 5
Number of Projects Started This Month = 0
Number of Projects Started This Year = 0
Number of WIPs Worked on This Month =  5
Number of WIPs Worked on This Year =  5
Number of Projects Finished This Month = 2
Number of Projects Finished This Year = 2


Clare-Aimetu said...

Great stitching in January and your plans for this month look good. Happy stitching

Linda said...

Great stitching Cathy. Can you send a link to the group your in? I always need a little push with my projects.


butterfly said...

Great Stitching , hugs June.

Katie said...

Great work for January!
Good luck with February!!

Rachel said...

I like the idea of alternating between WIPs and new starts each month. It wouldn't work for me, but good luck to you. I shall look forward to seeing some new starts soon!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great start to the year with some finishes too. I like the idea of alternating new starts with older pieces too.
Glad that you’re feeling better after the dodgy chicken!