Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Happy Dance - Snowman

Started: 11/23/2018
Finished: 11/27/2018

This is the last of the Maker's Holiday Crafts wooden ornament made for the Jo-Ann Stores that I'm doing at the moment, although I do have one more that I plan to stitch for myself later. 

Again, this is stitched as charted with the materials in the kit except that I used two strands, but it called for three.  I tried adding a mouth, but I didn't like it any better than without the mouth so that got frogged.

This is for my granddaughter, Kyleigh.  She saw me stitching the stocking and asked to let her do one, too.  I had her start using three strands as called for, but I didn't like the way it looked, so after she left, I ripped it out and started over with two strands.  Since she's now discovered diamond painting, I don't think she'll mind too much.


Faith... said...

Oh this one is super cute! I think I like it the best!

Astrids dragon said...

All of the wooden pieces you've done are so sweet! I don't remember seeing these at our Joann's, I'll have to take another look.