Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Rivers West Tour - Day 19

Today, we traveled from Medora, North Dakota to Havre, Montana.  This was the longest drive so far taking a little over six hours.  Along the way, we were passed by six of these wide load trucks.   They were moving pretty fast, too.

Havre is pronounced Hav-her.  It's said that two men were fighting over one woman and eventually one of them gave up and said, "You can have her."  BTW, Havre is only about 35 miles from the Canadian border.

Once we reached the campground, we were treated to a campground cookout.  We were expecting hot dogs, hamburgers, etc., but instead they served Walking Tacos and Ice Cream Drumsticks.  This made David happy, but I don't eat either of them, so I made myself a chef salad and ate one of the ice cream bars I had with me.

Tomorrow, is a free day to explore Havre.

1 comment:

Faith... said...

Looks like you guys are still having a good time. Stay safe around those trucks, they do move pretty fast!!