Thursday, January 5, 2023

Happy Dance - Jolly Jumper

 I know I haven't been around much this past year, but 2022 was rough with health issues, extended travel (this part was good) and a death in the family.  Also, I've been having trouble accessing so haven't been able to read blogs much.  Has anyone else had this problem?

However, it's now 2023 and I've decided it's time to get back to blogging, in hopes that it will be a better year.  So, here's my first happy dance of the year.

Started: 12/25/2022

Finished: 1/4/2023

Total Stitching Time: 9 hours and 38 minutes

Jolly Jumper was the free cover kit with Cross Stitcher Magazine #323 and was designed by Susan Penny.

It's mostly stitched as charted with the provided floss on 14-count vinyl Aida, which was also provided, but I did make several changes.  1) I didn't stitch the squares separating the arms from the body of the sweater.  2) I also didn't stitch the white backstitching separating the penguin's arms from his body. 3) I misplaced the beads included in the kit, so I left them off.  (I found them this morning when I stepped on them with bare feet.)

The kit came with felt backing and a pin back.  I plan on using the backing, but will add a hanger of white beads to make an ornament.  This is the first ornament to go into the box for Ronald McDonald's House next Christmas.

Next up: Lights Kitten


Rachel said...

Sweet finish - and after a Christmas Day start too!
Hope 2023 is good for you.

Katie said...

Very cute. I started using Feedly to follow blogs. It's a lot easier for me.

Cathy said...

Thank you! What is Feedly?

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a very cute Christmas Jumper!
Feedly is a blog reader, I use it and really like it.