Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cookie University

Since Janice is the Nursery Coordinator at our church and needed to be in the nursery, I got to take Kyleigh to the Cookie Kickoff - Cookie University event for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts.   There she got tips from the two top sellers from last year and learned about making SMART goals, budgeting and saving and investing. 

The Top Sellers giving pointers; they each sold over 5,000 packages
The whole class - Kyleigh's in the front left; I'm in the back right.

After the lessons, there was an ABC News interview and picture and then the girls were able to participate in a photo booth session.  Kyleigh was by herself, but soon found three friends who sat together during the lessons and then participated in the photo booth session together.

And, here's the patch that goes on the back of her vest.  She wanted to hold onto it herself and I wanted to hold onto it for her, because I was afraid she'd lose it.  Guess what?  She did drop it somewhere, but was able to get another one.

We were in a hurry to get her back to the church for Elevate (the middle school youth group) so we skipped the cookie tasting, but she did spot a wheel to spin and won 50% a whale watching adventure.


Julie said...

The photo booth looks like fun.

Katie said...

How fun. Thanks for sharing.

Astrids dragon said...

Now that looks like a fun class!