Sunday, March 1, 2020

February Happenings

One Friday a month, our church hosts KNO (Kids Night Out) where the parents can leave their children and go out for a date or just have some time to themselves.  So far, they've done Pac Man, Mario Brothers and on 1/31, they did Donkey Kong.  Janice is part of the committee that puts on the events and she is in charge of arts and crafts. 
Janice showing off her artwork
Janice, Joy (she's in charge of KNO) and Amorita ready for KNO

Kyleigh's school has an annual fundraiser called the Gala.  This year the theme is the  80's and they've been doing a lot of advertising.  One of the events included guessing how many gumballs were in a large jar and Kyleigh managed to guess the correct number.  For this, she got to keep them!

I go to a Bible Study Group that meets at the church on Wednesday mornings.  Every year, one of the male church members has a quartet come and sing to both our group and the ladies in the office.

I haven't shown any pictures of Taz lately, so I thought I'd include one here.  This is one of his favorite spots to hang out when I'm at my computer.  Look at those big eyes.

Kyleigh is now selling cookies at booth sales in front of various stores in the area.  Yesterday, she had two sales and was approached by a Mystery Shopper from Council at the first one.  Since she met all the requirements, she received a Blue Ribbon certificate.  Good News!  Kyleigh made her goal of selling 700 boxes this year.

Kyleigh's cheerleading group participated in a competition on February 22nd.  I had planned to go, but wasn't feeling well.  They won first place in their division and an Outstanding overall.
Kyleigh and Grace
Kyleigh and the Coaches
The Performance
The end of the performance

I usually stitch with a cat sitting beside me.  The other night I got up to get something and when I came back, he was holding my scissors.  David took the pictures while I was in the kitchen,


Katie said...

Great photos. I love quartet music. Love the photo of the cat with the scissors. He looks guilty haha.

Astrids dragon said...

It looks like you and the family had a great February! Good for Kyleigh winning the gumballs, the ribbon, AND competition!
Taz is adorable and so helpful too.